Monday, May 30, 2011

love me or not ?

he said he love me very much
but he's not
he said he care of me
but he's not
he said he need me
but he's not
he said i'm the only girl that he love
but he lying to me
one day i got a call from a girl but using his num ..
the girl said 'leave him alone bcoz he is mine '
who am i to u dear ??
who am i ??
just a person that not important to u or what ??
why u behaving like this ??
u are different now
u are not the person that i know before this ..
i love u so much but
it okay
i will loving u
* missing u , aqilahidayat

Sunday, May 29, 2011


kau ..
adalah  udara  ku
hembusan  nafas  ku
tiap  hembusan  ku  terukir  nama mu
tanpa  mu  ku  mati
tidak  mungkin  aku  dapat  berdiri  di  muka bumi  ini
setiap  malam  aku  bermimpi
kau  adalah  peneman  mimpi  ku
mendakap  ku  erat
melindungi  ku
aku  tahu  kau  sentiasa  di  dakapan  ku  ,  kasih ku

Saturday, May 28, 2011

bestfriend or boyfriend ??

topik nih kwn aku tnye kat aku smlm mse ktrg mcg2 kt fon ..
give me your opinion ..
yg mne lagi pnting ??
boyfriend ke bestfriend kita  ??
for me arr kan , aku lebih pilih bestfriend sbb boy kita boleh cari ,
but kwn ?
ilang sekali kwn baik , ssh nk cari ganti ..
just like me and my bestie , amirah roslan and fatyn afyqah ..
dua2 nih important sgt2 kat aku ..
mirah , fatyn .. aku tinggal kan firdaus sbb korg  taw x ??
sbb aku syg sgt2 kat korg dua ..
saranghae chingu .. xpe2 aku blh cari pkwe lain la kn ??
aku harap sgt2 kita kekal as chingu yg terbaik sgt2 kat korg
like aku kate tdi  saranghae chingu ..
chingu forever dear


Friday, May 20, 2011

leeteuk :)

ni leeteuk
leader tuk super junior
nk taw x ??
die nih knsbnrnye gatal sgt2 nk pakai spec pdhal x rabun pon mcm yesung tuh lain la kn ..
kpd fatyn tlg la ek nasihat kn laki kau nh
jgn tiru org klu nk berfesyen ye
nnty rosak mata klu ske pakai spec nih    :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

shindong and yesung

nih shindong ngn yesung aku ske dua2 nih sbb dua2 nih chomel sgt2 auwwww

both ade dlm super junior and super junior sub group iaitu super junior H  chomel kn dorg nih  OMO

Friday, May 6, 2011

shibal la kau O_o

kau taw x yg org menyampah ngn kau ??
sedar x nih yg org xske kau ??
aku xnk tunjuk dpn2 sbb aku xnk kau kcik aty dowh
wlupon aku xske kau aku ttp hormat and anggap kau kwn aku lg
tlg la cover klu kau ske smone tuh
jgn tunjuk
skrg ramai dh taw yg kau ske si mamat xbtol tuh
aku taw kau ske die but die dh ade mkwe kottt
one more thing
please jgn cmpur hal yg kau xtaw
jgn menyampuk klu kau xtaw ktorg tgh ckp psl ape
tuh je aku mntk kat kau